How Emotional Abuse Recovery Coaching Changed A Life

One thing my emotionally abusive husband used to say about me that wasn’t wrong was that I can be a bit of a mother hen.  I was born with the Mother Hen gene.  These days I can, and do, rein it in, well enough.  However…
When I first met Olga that Mother Hen gene was instantly […]

The Sad Story of Sabrina S. Emotionally Abused Wife, and Selfless Mother

If, for whatever reason, you don’t feel able to take on board a sad story, that’s okay.  Just stop reading here.  Because today I need to tell you the sad story of Sabrina S.
I’m guessing Sabrina would be happy for me to share her story with you.  Unfortunately, I can’t ask her, because I’ve just […]

Who is emotional abuse really about?

What is it that makes emotional abuse so damaging?  
It may not be what you think.  Let me explain. 
An emotionally abusive husband says things that are unkind, untrue – and unjustified – about you.  
What do you do?  You tell yourself that those things are to be taken seriously.  Because he is to be taken seriously.  
You set […]

Is it time for you to leave your emotionally abusive partner?

How bad does it have to get, before you finally give up on an emotionally abusive relationship?  
Many emotionally abused women do everything they can to stay in denial until they know they are at rock bottom. But rock bottom is a moving target. When you’re with an emotionally abusive partner, just when you think you must have […]

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