The Lies and Manipulation of a Narcissistic Partner

 Can a narcissistic partner change?
Can a narcissistic partner change in a heartbeat when they suddenly realize that they risk losing you once and for all? This is the question that victims of narcissistic abuse constantly ask themselves… in the hope of arriving at their preferred answer.
Today, I want to look at how you can deconstruct […]

How Did Your Narcissistic Partner Choose You?

How did your narcissistic partner identify you as a suitable target from Day 1?  What were their criteria – because people as calculating as Narcissists undoubtedly are surely had some criteria in mind?
How could they know, right from the get-go, that you were worth the trouble of pursuing – inasmuch as they ever did pursue […]

“What Makes a Narcissistic Partner Stupid?”

“Why do you call my narcissistic partner stupid?”
“Why do you call my narcissistic partner stupid?” my lovely client asked. “He was much worse than that.  That just doesn’t convey the mean, sick person that he is.”
Needless to say, my client’s ex-partner is a thoroughly horrible individual.  He is one of those people who,

Has a short charm-span.
Holds out […]

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