Never can say goodbye…?

 Are you struggling with the “G” word?  Struggling to say “goodbye” and mean it?  When is the last word finally final?  When do you say, “I’m through with trying to get that abusive man to listen to what I’m saying?” – and mean it?
Is it:
a)     when he actually listens
b)     when you get bored
c)     when he […]

How NOT To Recover From An Abusive Relationship – Top 10 Tips

Keep telling yourself why you needed the relationship to work.  You went into the relationship wanting and needing certain things.  Your abusive partner failed to deliver these on a regular, predictable, consistent basis.  And yet you’re still holding onto the hope that he could deliver… one day..  If you used UPS, and they only delivered, […]

“I Love Him, I Love Him Not”

Emotionally abused women are a tender-hearted lot.  You could say we’re too tender-hearted for our own good.  When we fall in love we tend to treat our beloved too well, for too long.  Especially when he turns into a jerk. 
There’s nothing wrong with loving a man well and long.    However, these days I’m only prepared […]

Sherlock Holmes and The Builder

Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you discovered you were doing something you hoped you never would? Like turning into your mother? (Ouch!)
This week, I had one of those moments when I was talking with my lovely mentor, Alexandra Watson. We were talking about what gets in the way of women’s happiness. (In […]

“That’s Not Who I Am”

There’s something a tad controversial that I need to say.  If you’ve ever been in an abusive relationship, need to know that somehow, at some point in your life, you were programmed to be “a victim in waiting”.  It’s not who you truly are, and it’s absolutely NOT an accurate reflection of your inner courage […]

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