Should I stop trusting my emotionally abusive husband?

Should I stop trusting my emotionally abusive husband? is a question I am very rarely asked.  This is actually quite surprising – when you think that I’ve spent 12+ years working with thousands of women who are waking up to the realization that they’ve been trapped in emotionally abusive relationships. These women have begun to […]

How NOT To Leave A Coercive Controlling Partner | Masterclass from Helen Titchener nee Archer

How to leave a coercive controlling partner is the very last thing most people think about.  Recent episodes of the Archers have left listeners reeling: that kind of domestic violence doesn’t happen in Ambridge – except that now it has. And what a blessing it is that it has.  Because Domestic violence is no respecter […]

Cutting of contact with an emotionally abusive ex

 Cutting of contact with an emotionally abusive ex is never easy to do.  There are always compelling reasons – some real, others that just feel real – why you need to stay in touch.  If you have children in common then you will, likely, need to have some contact with him for years to come.  […]

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