Has gaslighting led you to neglect your own best interests?

This week, several of my individual clients all presented with the same kind of problem. While the specific circumstances differed from person to person, the common theme was that – despite knowing better and wanting to do better – they found themselves neglecting their own best interest.
As they described it, it felt almost like an […]

Do you need to forgive yourself first and foremost?

Do You Need To Forgive Yourself
Do you ever feel anger and disappointment towards yourself for both the relationship and the way it has turned out?
Do you struggle with the issue of forgiveness?   Do you feel you should forgive the abusive partner who has behaved so badly towards you? Have you been told that it is […]

10 Most Damaging Questions Women Ask About A Narcissistic Partner

Back in the day, when I was with a narcissistic partner, I knew that something was very wrong.  Needless to say, I assumed that the main thing that was wrong had to be me.  That didn’t work too well for me – although it worked beautifully for him.
A Narcissist  will always make you responsible for […]

What stops you from leaving a narcissistic partner?

Leaving a narcissistic partner is never going to be easy. Most commonly, the abused partner spends painful months and years wondering how they can stay in the relationship and just move on from the hurt and the awfulness. Instead of thinking about how to leave an emotionally partner safely and well.
How best to leave a […]

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