“How Do I Stop Feeling Unlovable?”

The Question Least Asked
“How do I stop feeling unlovable?” is not actually a question that any emotionally abused woman has ever asked me.
Please understand, nobody has asked me that question for a reason.  That reason was NOT that they had never experienced themselves as unlovable.  The question “How do I stop feeling unlovable” had never […]

“How do I Heal Before I Alienate Everyone I know?”

How do I heal…?
“How do I heal before I alienate all my friends and family?”  writes Sophie.
How long do you suppose Sophie has been in her emotionally abusive relationship? 6 months? A couple of years?  Longer?
Sophie is aware that she could – as well as should – act now to change things, while she still has the energy.
Chances […]

How To Move On When You’re Struggling

How to move on from an emotionally abusive relationship is something that every woman who has ever been there, inevitably, asks herself.  She knows she needs to. She desperately wants to – at least in part. Although, invariably, another part of her, would still love to make do and mend the relationship. The problem lies […]

“I Deserve Better Than That”

Actually, I believe that every human being is deserving of the best that life has to offer; love, care, respect, consideration, far more than material goods. The key is to understand that this abundance can be freely available to all. Owning your own share does not reduce the amount that is available to all. It doesn’t mean depriving other people. Your abundance only increases the available store.

Is it my fault the relationship is abusive?

“I’m really sad and desperate”
Is it my fault the relationship is abusive? said no emotionally abusive partner. Ever.  However, that precise question was at the top of my Inbox after the New Year’s break.  It was, of course, an accusation levelled at Tonia, an emotionally abused woman – by her abusive partner.
What followed was,
A typical […]

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