Will Counselling Help With Emotional Abuse?

Will counselling help with emotional abuse? That is a question that women frequently ask.  It is a question that goes right to the heart of the problem that victims of emotional abuse face.  Here’s why:
Before you ask will counselling help with emotional abuse
Before you can begin to answer the question will counselling help with emotional […]

Is Divorcing An Emotionally Abusive Husband The Right Decision?

Is divorcing an emotionally abusive husband the right thing to do? asks Lauren, thereby summing up the dilemma of every emotionally abused woman.
No emotionally abused woman that I have ever worked with has woken up one day and thought, “How about divorcing my emotionally abusive husband? That should be fun.”
Divorcing an emotionally abusive husband is […]

Can An Emotional Abuser Ever Change?

Can an emotional abuser ever change – the question deconstructed
Can an emotional abuser ever change? asks Marie. It’s a perennial question that I have already touched on. But that’s not Marie’s real, big, burning question. The real underlying question – the one that feeds her Hopium Addiction – is “Can my emotional abuser ever change?”
Her […]

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