This Is Why You Are Frightened of Emotionally Abusive People

I grew up with a lot of fear in my life.   Perhaps you did, too. At the time, I couldn’t know it but I was actually deeply – and appropriately – frightened of emotionally abusive people. Those people were my family of origin.
My parents both came across as very powerful people. They expected unquestioning obedience; […]

“What is wrong with me?”

There comes a point in every abusive relationship when you know you should get out. Your abusive partner is making you miserable, you know the relationship is all wrong and, as far as you can see, your life has stopped dead… But still you stay. You know you should leave, but you don’t.
Instead, you ask ourself: “What’s wrong with me?”

Why Narcissists and Abusers Spoil Valentine’s Day

How did/does your Narcissist and abuser spoil Valentine’s day for you?  Notice that I’m asking not if but how he did it.  It is a foregone conclusion that narcissists and abusers will spoil Valentine’s Day for the one who loves them.  It just goes with the territory.
My toxic Valentine
My abiding memory of how the wasband […]

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