The 3 Stages of An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

The 3 stages of an emotionally abusive relationship is not something you’re likely to think consciously about when you are caught up in it.
Rule #1 of an emotionally abusive relationship is this:
An emotionally abusive relationship is designed to ensure you are too off kilter to think clearly.
That is how the relationship is designed – and, […]

Do Emotionally Abusive Men Know They Are Abusive?

‘Do emotionally abusive men know they are abusive?’ is a question often asked by their emotionally abused partners.
Why do victims of abuse need to ask?
Because they are looking for an answer that will make them feel better.
Do emotionally abusive men know they are abusive? – the preferred answer
When emotionally abused women ask “Do emotionally abusive men know […]

Emotional Abuse Makes You Poor – In These 3 Ways

Emotional abuse makes you poor.  That is a simple fact of life. Any woman who has ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship knows to her cost that the relationship makes you way poorer than you ever deserved to be.  In every conceivable way.
Yet most women struggle to understand why this was bound to happen, […]

Behind Closed Doors – The BBC tackles domestic violence

Behind Closed Doors, the BBC’s expose of domestic violence aired last night – and I, for one, found a lot to dislike about it.  Of course, there is a lot to like and commend.  The police force involved was supportive and sensitive.  The absurdly lenient Court treatment of 2 of the 3 perpetrators was deplorable, […]

Are you too sensitive for an emotionally abusive partner?

Are you too sensitive for an emotionally abusive partner? Is that – another – fault he reproaches you with? Is it possible that he could be right, albeit for entirely the wrong reasons?
This weekend, I held my first workshop in Denmark, for a wonderful group of Danish women. Fortunately, their English is wonderful, since my Danish […]

Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Emotional Abuse

What are the top 10 things you need to know about emotional abuse?  As I prepare to head off to give my first workshop in Denmark about emotional abuse, I’ve been asking myself: “What is the most valuable, transformational information I can provide an audience with?”  And also: “What are the top 10 things to […]

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