I Have No Confidence After Emotional Abuse

“I have no confidence after emotional abuse”, my client said.  “I have no confidence in myself, my abilities, or the future. I just don’t see how I can ever pick up the broken pieces of my identity and   put my life back together again.  I’ve been broken into so many pieces that I don’t believe […]

What Would Make You More Emotionally Resilient?

 In all my years working with survivors of emotional abuse, not one client has ever said, “You know, Annie, I want to be more emotionally resilient.”  Rather they tell me, “I need to have more confidence. I need to be stronger and braver. I need to stop loving – or hating – my partner.  I […]

New Year’s Resolution for Old Hurts

How was New Year’s Day for you?
When I was with the wasband, New Year’s Eve always felt like a momentous time.  Chiefly because I was always glad to see the back of another terrible year   Every year was terrible because every year is terrible when you have a toxic partner.  There is so much that […]

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