Why Your Abusive Partner Treats You That Way

How could he treat me that way?” was the question that I asked myself endlessly when I was with my emotionally abusive partner.  In the years since, I have worked with many hundreds of women. None of them could come to terms with why an abusive partner treats you that way. Only much, much later […]

“But they have so much potential…”

Did You Fall in Love with a Sales Pitch?
Have you ever said of your narcissistic and abusive partner, “But they have so much potential…”? If you have not, I would be truly surprised. “But they have so much potential…” is the thing that all partners of an abuser say.
Nobody that I have ever come across […]

Love Yesterday and Love Tomorrow But Never Love Today

 Love-bombing is not love
All toxic relationship start with a degree of love-bombing. Love-bombing is not love. Once the Narcissist/ emotional abuser/sociopath) has decided that you are their “mark” they start to shower you with love – or whatever the best approximation of love is that they can manage. Exclusive, too-much-too-fast, demanding – faintly icky love.  […]

“Why Can’t They Just Love Me Back?”

“Why can’t they just love me back?” is the question that obsesses the partners of narcissists and emotional abusers. The same question, “Why can’t they just love me back?” also obsesses – and drives to the brink of despair and craziness – the children, and parents, of narcissists and emotional abusers. It’s incredibly hard to […]

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