Why We Settle For An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Why do we settle for an emotionally abusive relationship?
You and I have never met. We’ve, likely, never spoken. Yet we have an awful lot in common. Not least, the fact that we could settle for an emotionally abusive relationship.
If you can recognise your emotionally abusive (ex)partner from my descriptions of the archetype (who was also […]

Do You Worry Maybe You Didn’t Try Hard Enough?

What “I didn’t try hard enough” really means
Do you worry maybe you didn’t try hard enough in your emotionally abusive relationship? Most women who have been emotionally abused have that worry. They tell themselves that it was their job to make the relationship work. Therefore, if the relationship does not work, it means two things,

They […]

How Emotional Abuse Steals Your Happiness

Emotional abuse steals your happiness. If I had to pick one key effect of “abuse”, it would be that.  Only an emotionally abusive relationship will leave you feeling so profoundly unhappy and racked by doubt.
Any emotionally abusive relationship is a journey, from hope, to hurt, to despair. There is a bit of happiness at the […]

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