How to Ruin Your Ex-Husband’s Day

My post-separation fantasies
When I walked away from my toxic marriage, I was in pieces – just like every other emotionally abused woman that I met since. I felt hurt, wronged, ashamed – and angry.  I struggled to understand how my husband could have behaved so badly to someone (me) who loved him so much. Plus, […]

Emotional Abusers Just Love To Be Angry

Emotional abusers just love to be angry, as the wonderful Cindy Lauper did not say – doubtless because she derived a lot more joy from celebrating good feelings than she would have from than focusing on bad ones.  Admittedly, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.  Why would  emotional abusers just love to be angry?  […]

When is emotional abuse NOT emotional abuse

“It may be bad but I don’t think it is emotional abuse.”
Emotional abuse is always a journey that starts somewhere at least half-way good – and then descends into hell.  You and the other person in the relationship become partners in hell – inasmuch as an awful lot of hellish feelings start to get sprayed […]

“My problem is different because…”

My problem is different because…”
“My problem is different because…” is something emotionally abused women tell me, all the time.
One woman explained, recently, that her problem was different – and quite possibly not emotional abuse…because her partner “loved her so much”.  He didn’t say the hurtful things that most emotionally abusive men say.  However, he did make her feel worthless.
Then […]

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