What makes the way other people judge you so important?

For survivors of narcissistic abuse, how other people are likely to judge us can be a huge issue. When you think about it, this hardly surprising. Narcissists make an art from out of weaponizing their judgement with a view to keeping you under their control.

The problem is that that old pattern of living in terror of how other people will judge you doesn’t just go away when you leave a Narcissist.

Narcissists say one thing but their tells show you another

Narcissists do things that remind you how little you matter to them all the time. They do that even when their narrative tells you something completely different. They can tell you how much they love you even while they show you how untrue that is. Or else, they can tell you and show you how little they care but still leave you in magnificent, world-class denial searching for the goodness that you know is locked deep inside them.

Who Can You Trust After A Narcissistic Relationship?

Has a narcissistic relationship left you with trust issues? If so, you are by no means the only one – even though it might feel that way.
In reality, the issue of trust looms large. for anyone who has ever been in relationship with a Narcissist.  The reason for this is simple – longer you stay […]

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