One of those lies you just don’t forget

One of those lies you just don’t forget
What was your parents’ relationship with the truth like? I ask because my trip to Venice – sadly now behind me – brought up a few memories about my own parents’- complicated – relationship with the truth.
Venice, mosquitos and me
My association with Venice goes back a very long […]

How NOT to Spot An Emotional Abuser

How not to spot an emotional abuser
My lovely partner is a stranger to abuse world.  He’s never lived there. He’s never had to recover from emotional abuse.  So, what had he seen that made him say: “That man is an emotional and physical abuser”.
We were sitting in one of the few coffee bars in Venice […]

How your empathy can hinder your healing from narcissistic abuse

How your empathy can hinder your healing from narcissistic abuse
Have you ever thought that your empathy could actually hinder your healing from narcissistic abuse? If you haven’t, I totally get you. It is so counter-intuitive (how is that for a touchy-feely empath-resonant term?) that your superpower could actually have its problematic side. But that is […]

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