“How come an emotional abuser gets to walk away, scot free?

“How come an emotionally abusive man gets to walk away scot free, on ‘his’ terms? And then, when he goes around bad-mouthing me, everyone believes him?”  That’s what one client asked me this week.
It’s SO not fair, isn’t it?
In an ideal world, emotionally abusive men would get their just deserts. They’d be publicly named and […]

Do You Feel Trapped In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship?

How often have you felt trapped in your emotionally abusive relationship?
Feeling trapped is one of the key aspects of an emotionally abusive relationship.  An emotionally abusive partner works hard to create an illusion of powerlessness within you.  He wants you to have the sense that all your options have been closed down. So you feel […]

10 Lies You Swallowed About Emotional Abuse


Because he violated your trust, you’ve come to expect that everyone will violate your trust.

Because he told you that you’re worthless often enough, you’ve come to believe that you are worthless.

Because he presented you with his crazy, skewed view of the World so often, you’ve come to believe that it must be true.

Because he’s blamed […]

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