narcissistic abuse

4 Unexpected Life Lessons from a Lonely Cupcake

You could argue that Lonely was just a cupcake, my portion control was off, and why make a big deal about it in the first place. But that would be dismissive thinking and I would urge you to beware of dismissive thinking. It was the dismissive thinking of toxic people that led you to believe that your feelings didn’t matter, and it was okay for them to gaslight and isolate you and then blame you for it.

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Are you competing in the emotional hurdles?

“Do you think that emotionally I am “behind” other adults?” my client asked me.
That’s not a question that I had ever heard formulated in quite that way before.  Still, the underlying belief sounded all too familiar.
All children of narcissistic parents come into this world with an emotional yardstick in their little, pudgy hands (metaphorically speaking, […]

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How much does a feeling of worthlessness cost you?

You can take a person out of an abusive situation, but it can sometimes prove a lot harder to take the abusive programming out of the person. When you stop buying into that old feeling of worthlessness, you lose the appeal you once had for Narcissists.

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Why is acceptance such a big deal for survivors of narcissistic abuse?

True acceptance of my narcissistic relationship would have meant acknowledging that I was totally lost, confused, hurting, ashamed of myself, heartbroken, despairing and not prepared to give up on someone who thoroughly disliked me.

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Things are so hard for survivors of narcissistic abuse because

Being in a relationship with a Narcissist is never easy. Nor is leaving one. But breaking with the old beliefs and feelings that are part and parcel of every narcissistic relationship is the hardest thing of all. Especially since, half the time, you might not even be aware of how deeply ingrained those beliefs and patterns have become and how profoundly they continue to impact you. Ridding yourself of them is central to your healing.

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One Key Difference Between Loving and Lovebombing

One key difference between loving and lovebombing
How do you tell the difference between madly in love and lovebombing? That was a question that I found myself asking recently. What are the signs that you want to pick up on?
It happened when my lovely partner and I were dining, quietly, in a favorite restaurant in Venice, […]

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Have you ever felt undermined by a Narcissist’s dark empathy?

Have you ever felt undermined by a Narcissist’s dark empathy?
Have you ever felt undermined by a Narcissist’s dark empathy? Or was “dark empathy” a term that had not even appeared on your radar until now? The clue is in the name: dark empathy implies the Narcissistic art of using something that is – by its […]

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9 Things a Narcissist Uses to Make You Fall Back in Love with Them

How often in your relationship with a narcissistic partner did you reach a point where you just couldn’t take anymore? But then things subsided, the Narcissist backpedalled  and you fell back in love with the person who you first met. Or, at least, wearily re-embraced your long-cherished, somewhat threadbare dream of what your relationship could […]

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Can you codify the steps to healing from narcissistic abuse?

Can you codify the steps to healing from narcissistic abuse?
Today, I want to share with you the relatable steps not that you should take to healing from narcissistic abuse but the steps that you do take, in the hope that that will enable you to be kinder and more supportive towards yourself along the way. […]

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Do you know what it’s like to be an invisible woman

You were taught to rely on other people to tell you when you were visible – or even that you could be visible at all. Has it crossed your mind that having an invisible woman around is incredibly useful for these other, narcissistic people?

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The 5 Simple Steps to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Over the next 5 days, I'll send you some lessons and tips that I've found have really helped women to heal from narcissistic abuse.  Starting with the basics.

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