The Apology You Will Never Get From A Toxic Partner

Who doesn’t need an apology when they feel they have been wronged?  Not me, certainly.  I am a stickler for an apology.  I guess you are, too.  Especially if a person has grown up in a family where they experienced a lot of unfairness, they are likely to struggle with unfair treatment.
What unfairness tells you
The […]

The Drama of the Narcissistic and Abusive Relationship

When everything has to be a drama
Life with my emotionally abusive wasband, and with my parents before that, was full of drama.  I can’t say that I ever liked drama.  It was just the way things were. Drama was one of those things that pointed to their superiority.  As the wasband once said, “At least, […]

Does Your Partner Have Wonderful Man Syndrome?

Did your narcissistic and emotionally abusive partner tell you how wonderful they are?  Did they keep telling you how lucky you were to have them?
And did they do that in between telling you what a worthless wife, mother, lover and human being you were?
Most of the time these “wonderful” partners sound so persuasive – and […]

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