Why we go on a healing journey

It struck me recently that when women try to leave an abusive
relationship, they are attempting to move away from something they know
to be toxic. Yet they have little idea
of what they are moving towards. They
see no positive life enhancing vista ahead of them and so the struggle feels
almost superhuman. 

If someone had told me that I was on a healing journey I
would have found it immensely helpful. If someone had told me that I could undertake

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Suppose Love Were A Choice Not Just An Emotion

Paige Parker, of www.DatingWithoutDrama.com, writes “Love is a CHOICE,
Not Always an Emotion."  It’s one of those throw away lines that bears
thinking about. If you believe that love is an emotion, then you invest it with all the
beliefs you have about the irresistible power of emotions.  If you choose to believe that love is a choice then, obviously, you are
the person making that choice.  You make that choice based on your
criteria.  And we all know that criteria can change.

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“Not tonight, Mr Right”

Every so often I come across a book that has a profound effect on the way I think. “Not tonight, Mr Right- why good men come to girls who wait” (by Kate Taylor) is the most recent one. The slightly flippant title, although self-explanatory, does not do the book justice. 

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