What Makes An Emotionally Abusive Partner So Attractive?

It can be hard to see what makes an emotionally abusive partner so attractive – unless we’re talking about your emotionally abusive partner; in which case none of the usual, normal criteria apply.  As a general rule, emotionally abusive partners are dogmatic to the point of arrogance, self-important, opinionated, inconsiderate, self-centred, touchy, a tad humorless, […]

How NOT To React To An Emotionally Abusive Husband

How not to react to an emotionally abusive husband is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn. It’s also the thing that will have the greatest effect on your quality of life, peace of mind and, even, your finances.
Please understand, I’m not talking about how not to react to his hurtful comments […]

Inside Every Emotionally Abusive Husband

Trying to understand her emotionally abusive husband is something every woman tries – and fails – to do.  She fails because she can’t understand how her emotionally abusive husband (or partner) can possibly be the way he is. Because she is loving, loyally, and deeply committed to the relationship, she believes that he must be, […]

How To Recover From Emotional Abuse

How to recover from emotional abuse is just one of the conundrums facing any woman who has ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship.  Sadly, there are a few others as well, like: “How could he treat me that way?”  “What’s wrong with me?” and “Will I ever get over this enough to live, love […]

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