
Different kinds of bad relationships

Wouldn’t it be nice if we only had to experience being ill-treated by one man, and we learned from it never to make certain mistakes again? For most of us, the reality is slightly different. We learn that a certain kind of man treated us badly, in a certain kind of way, and we resolve never to make that mistake again. Sadly, we don’t think that we could be vulnerable to different, but equally calamitous, mistakes. That is precisely why we repeat them.

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10 Secrets Of Good Relationships For An Emotional Abuse Survivor

You want a wonderful relationship, but do you know what you need to do to create it? These 10 tips will give priceless pointers to what works, what doesn’t, and how to create a great relationship right from the get go – or what went wrong from Day 1 to create the relationship you are in today.

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Learnings from a Navajo Wedding Vase

So, you’ve been in an emotionally abusive relationship.  What can you learn about relationships from a Navajo Wedding Vase? 
Quite a lot, it seems. 
Not that I knew the first thing about Navajo Wedding Vases, until I cam across this blog post by my good friend Jane Bennett. (
Jane explains the point of the Navajo Wedding Vase very […]

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Your Life With Emotional Abuse

How longong have you spent in your emotionally abusive relationship?  Months?  Years?  Decades? 
Time collapses in an abusive relationship, doesn’t it?  After a certain point of misery, you hardly even notice the time passing.  
Strange as it may sound, a day in an emotionally abusive relationship may feel like an eternity, yet a year or five […]

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The Sad Story of Tamara Ecclestone

For the past few days the very edifying story of Tamara Eccelestone’s relationship meltdown has been plastered across the English tabloids.  
Tamara, in case you don’t know, is the daughter of Formula 1 Billionaire, Bernie Ecclestone.  As behoves the daughter of a billionaire, she is beautiful, groomed, famous for being the child of immense of […]

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“You just know”

13,000 miles from home, I was sitting at a kitchen table talking relationships with Karina, a new friend, when she said something that stopped me in my tracks:
“You just know.”
The conversation had turned to Sue, friend of hers, who’d settled for a “friendship with benefits”, and had a child by her “friend” – and room-mate […]

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Sarah Harding – Another Domestic Violence Statistic

Sarah Harding of Girls Aloud is caught up in a bitter war of words with her ex Theo de Vries.  She says he attacked her.  He says she attacked him, and he merely restrained her to protect himself.
It makes for a sordid tale.  So, ‘right thinking people’ everywhere – that is, the kind of people […]

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How To Have An Emotionally Abusive Relationship Top 10 Tips

Just for a change, I wanted to offer you a short, snappy blog post.  If anyone needed a sure-fire recipe for an emotionally abusive relationship,  this would have to be it.

Make excuses for your partner’s bad behavior, time and time again.
Take sole responsibility for making the relationship work.
Tolerate your partner making hurtful remarks about you.
Give […]

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No fish, please!

How many more fish do you think there are in the sea for you? 
Whether or not you feel ready for another relationship, or even want another relationship,  I’m guessing you’ve been ‘programmed’  to believe you’re washed up, and the potential partner pool has been completely over-fished.
But is it true?  
And, above all, is it […]

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Your pain, and mine

The last 12 days have been the hardest of my life.
It began when my beloved partner was rushed into hospital where he spent 48 hours in Intensive Care, on a respirator, heavily sedated.
We have not been together long – less than three years – and we are not married.  But he is my partner in […]

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The 5 Simple Steps to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Over the next 5 days, I'll send you some lessons and tips that I've found have really helped women to heal from narcissistic abuse.  Starting with the basics.

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