Why Nancy Felt Good About Leaving Her Emotionally Abusive Partner

Nancy’s email was short and sweet. She ‘just wanted to let me know she felt good about having left her emotionally abusive husband’. 
It certainly hadn’t been easy for her – not that it ever is.  She’d had to turn her child’s world upside down  – you can imagine the guilt she felt about that –  […]

Learnings from a Navajo Wedding Vase

So, you’ve been in an emotionally abusive relationship.  What can you learn about relationships from a Navajo Wedding Vase? 
Quite a lot, it seems. 
Not that I knew the first thing about Navajo Wedding Vases, until I cam across this blog post by my good friend Jane Bennett. (http://www.theexpatpartner.com/living-abroad-relationship-pitfalls-a-navajo-vase/)
Jane explains the point of the Navajo Wedding Vase very […]

Why Valentine’s Day Sucks

I don’t know how you feel about it, but my decades on the planet have led me to the conclusion that…
Valentine’s Day sucks.
I believe it sucks whether you’re in a relationship, and have a man in your life, or whether you don’t.
It sucked, for me, when I was single, because I never got enough ‘Worship […]

“Have you ever asked yourself these questions?”

If you’re a woman who’s ended up in an emotionally abusive relationship, you’ve probably asked yourself a lot of questions. 
You need to know that not all questions are equal.
Some questions are useful.  Some are not.
“How could I be so stupid?” is not a useful question – not least, because of the presupposition that you’re stupid.  […]

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