Has narcissistic abuse made you worry you were going crazy?

 Has narcissistic abuse ever made you worry that you were going crazy? Almost every single client that I have worked with has confessed that being around a Narcissist left them feeling like they were going crazy.  Unless they used a synonym like “weird” or “losing their mind”, or feeling “out of control”.  Craziness is an […]

10 Fears A Narcissist Uses To Disempower You

A Narcissist is harmful to your health
Being in a relationship with a  narcissist is harmful to your physical and mental health.
Why is that?
 It happens because a Narcissist, is hell-bent on creating someone whose world revolves around him – someone needy, co-dependent, and fearful.
Let’s keep the word creating in mind as we go through this article. […]

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