“Did I attract the abuse?”

Have ever thought, or been told, that you “attracted the abuser and the abuse”?  Sadly, given the current overlap between self-help and spirituality,  the notion that the victim of abuse attracted the abuser and the abuse is all too common.  In this article, we need to unpack the concept of a victim of abuse attracting […]

Are you, too, struggling with feeling invisible?

Today, we really need to talk about invisibility. Perhaps, given everything that you already have to face in your life, invisibility is nowhere near the top of your list. Perhaps it is not even on your list.  However, anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship has been made to feel invisible.  That feels […]

It’s that time of year again…

It’s that time of year, again.  Having soldiered through the Holiday Season, more or less successfully, now you have to deal with the calendar – and business – throwing Valentine’s Day at you.  And, despite increasing sensitivity to issues that can cause distress – Valentine’s Day still largely escapes unscathed.  We are all meant to […]

Has abuse taught you to be easily discouraged?

Have you ever felt disappointed with yourself because you let yourself be discouraged from pursuing the things that excite you or matter to you? Do you have an issue with goal-setting and goal-hitting? If so, this article will help you understand how that came about, why it is not your fault and what you can […]

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