Have You Ever Felt Like A Burden?

This week, we need to talk about “being a burden”. Recently, the notion of Being a Burden has kept popping up all over the place, for me. When this happens, I like to think it is the Universe’s way of saying, “Hey! You need to be doing something to help exorcise this destructive belief.” Since […]

Did It Really Have To Be That Way?

“Did it really have to be that way?” is the question that you ask yourself over and over again when a bad relationship fails.  Human beings, in general, show no fondness for situations that end in failure and disappointment.  Empaths who feel the need to please others hate an unhappy ending and feel duty-bound to […]

Are They Really That Smart?

Toxic people are scary. But are they really that smart? If you are to salvage your self-esteem from  your relationship breakup and – ideally, a modicum of financial security  – you need to  stay in your own power.  That means not being overwhelmed and intimidated by the games that a Narcissist plays and the fear […]

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