The Ugly Truth about A Controlling Abusive Partner

What makes it so hard to recognise a controlling, abusive partner for the toxic creature that they truly are?  Why is it that the people who love them find it so hard to make sense of the controlling abusive partner’s behavior?  And why does all the information that they have about control have so little […]

Closure, But Not As You Want It

Who would not want to have closure from their emotionally abusive relationship?  You have been forced to admit that the harmonious relationship that you desired can never be on offer.  It is only normal to longer for the compensation of a gracious ending that melds finality with peace of mind.  Is it really too much […]

Do You Have A Problem With Loyalty

Have you ever had a problem with loyalty? Or, more correctly, have you ever had a problem with other people who have a problem with loyalty?  I am guessing that you have.  Maybe that problem still shows up in your life.  It is just not possible to go through an emotionally abusive relationship without acquiring […]

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