What Emotional Abuse Teaches You


What do you really learn from emotional abuse?  Usually the first thing you learn is the wrong thing; specifically that it’s all your fault.  While there are vitally important things that you are much slower to learn – not least that the reason why your partner behaves so badly because he is emotionally abusive. It […]

Are You Worried About This, Too?

Are you someone who worries – a LOT?  If you do, it’s not helping you.  On the other hand, for anyone who’s ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship worrying goes with the territory.
In my time I could out-worry pretty well anyone on the planet – except perhaps another emotionally abused woman.  We’ve all earned […]

The 7 Signs Of An Abusive Relationship

How do you know when you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship?  Most likely, you don’t,- for the longest long time.  All you do know is that something is terribly wrong.  Unfortunately, nobody has ever taught you to recognise the 7 tell-tale signs of an abusive relationship.
Over time you become more confused , hurt and unhappy  […]

Verbal Abuse – do you even recognise it?

Verbal abuse does untold harm – and yet it largely passes unnoticed: you only have to think of that old saying: “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That was something my father – who was no slouch when it came to using words that, allegedly, never hurt – […]

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