The Problem with Still Loving an Abusive Ex

Wouldn’t it be nice if, early on in an abusive relationship, you woke up and, Poof! just like that stopped loving your abusive partner?  How many years and how much angst could you have saved yourself? If only people worked like that. Sadly, most people do not work like that. You have had to learn […]

How do they make you feel?  The Key Red Flag Question

“What are the Red Flags you should be looking out for if you want to Narcissist-proof your life?” I was asked.  I settled happily into my chair.  This is, after all, one of my favorite questions since my whole mission is about educating women to safeguard them against repeating painful relationship mistakes.
“Intuition, intuition, INTUITION”, I […]

The Powerful Weapon That Is The Silent Treatment

We need to talk about The Silent Treatment, the technique of sulking to make a person feel rejected and abandoned that so many abusers employ to crush their partners, children or other family members. The truth is that The Silent Treatment is a weapon that abusers use to wound you deeply – without the perpetrator […]

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