What makes you so hard on yourself?

This week, I want to tell you about a lovely client, let’s call her Jan. Jan typifies the kind of person – possibly rather like you – who has already made leaps and bounds in her awareness about emotional abuse and how it affects a person. But she still has something holding her back.
Jan has […]

Do you worry about being the toxic one?

Have you ever worried about being the toxic one in your relationship?
Did this happen because you were labelled The Problem or The Narcissist by someone who was, actually, in no position to cast a first stone?
If so, you know that such labels and accusations play strange tricks on your mind.  You end up both knowing that you […]

14 Ways that Abuse Affects the Way that You Show Up in the World

Have you ever thought that abuse has affected the way that you show up in the world? How could it not?
Intimate relationship abuse, inevitably, undermines your sense of self. That applies to all kinds of abuse from narcissistic and emotional abuse to mental, physical and sexual intimate relationship abuse, also.
But what I want to look […]

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