When you need to be more assertive

“I need to be more assertive.” my lovely client said, shaking her head in disappointment at herself. “I should have been able to…”
There followed any one of the following list that we have all said to ourselves at one time or another.
“I should have…”

Stood up for myself.
Said “No”.
Walked away.
Come out with a really good reply.
Le […]

The 10 Toxic Problems All Emotionally Abused Women Face

The 10 toxic problems all emotionally abused women face are not nearly widely enough understood.  They are not fully understood by the sufferer.  Still less, are they understood by Other People who imagine that an emotionally abused woman should
a) Respond instantly and appropriately to all free advice
b) See “sense” to order.
c) “Get over it” quickly […]

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