Are You Frightened of Making Mistakes?

Have you ever thought how closely the fear of making mistakes relates to the whole experience of emotional abuse?
Narcissists  teach you that you have to attain their impossible standards of perfection in order to be good enough to be loved by them – and therefore, by extension, loved by anyone else in the entire world.
In […]

How to make things simple

“What do you know about it, anyway?” my brother asked, with all the gracelessness that decades of practice could produce.
He was asking what I thought gave me the right to adjust the height of my mother’s walker.
I refrained from asking him what kind of idiot he was that he couldn’t see that the handles were […]

When You Feel Lost or Down, Do This

What do you do when you feel lost or down?  I’ll tell you what my programmed, first reaction is: to wallow like a buffalo or hippopotamus.
It’s not a good look, for sure.
Plus, it doesn’t do too much for my mood or motivation.  Whether that urge to wallow is temperament or training, I can’t be entirely […]

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