“How can I ever trust again?”

One very common problem faced by women who’ve been through the mincing machine of an abusive relationship is: how do you ever trust again?  And how do you learn to trust safely, and wisely?  There is a massive need abused women have for a surefire way of knowing who to trust, how to trust, and […]

How To Have An Emotionally Abusive Relationship Top 10 Tips

Just for a change, I wanted to offer you a short, snappy blog post.  If anyone needed a sure-fire recipe for an emotionally abusive relationship,  this would have to be it.

Make excuses for your partner’s bad behavior, time and time again.
Take sole responsibility for making the relationship work.
Tolerate your partner making hurtful remarks about you.
Give […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-27

What makes a woman who has been hit by man willing to believe it won’t happen again? http://t.co/K73xq5aZ #
What stops women doing the thing they know they need to do: http://t.co/ke7ppnXx #
What makes women prepared to settle for any partner who happens along: http://t.co/Rw3IHVwP #
5) When Prince Charming morphs into Mr Nasty, what happens to you? […]

Is Solitaire Really “The Only Game In Town”?

Do you remember the old song “Solitaire”?  Solitaire was, apparently, “the only game in town”.  But what makes it very like an abusive relationship may not be quite what you think.
Have you ever spent time playing Solitaire on the computer?
After my abusive husband left, I used to play it until late into the night.  I […]

“Why Can’t He..?”

 “Why can’t he behave like a normal person?” Geri asked.

Because I was pushed for time, but wanted to reply, I gave her the short answer.  I’ve no doubt your head already knows the answer as well as I do, but maybe your feelings play tricks on you, just like Geri’s feelings do.

The short answer goes like this: “He’s not behaving like a so called normal person, because he chooses to behave like a jerk.  That is the job description he chose for himself in his relationship with you and – most probably – with other women also.  It’s not about you.  It’s about him.

“As regards his normality, you might find it easier to put him in some kind of context that makes sense to you, if you could tell yourself he’s NOT normal, but the chances are he is normal.  Being a jerk is not proof of abnormality, merely nastiness.  Some abusers are narcissists, and/or sociopaths, but most are not.  Most are merely immature bullies.”

But there’s rather more to your question than that, is there not?

The really important stuff is what is going on inside you…

So, let’s start somewhere near the beginning.  You’ve had a bruising, damaging relationship with someone with an impressive capacity for nasty, destructive behavior.

He started out wearing his: “Look at me, I’m Prince Charming” T-shirt – and you were wooed by the T shirt. He looked good in the T-shirt. He talked a good game.

He told you a story that was calculated to appeal to you.  Most likely he went for either:

a)  I’m a pretty sophisticated, successful, worldly person, with a lot going for me, and being around me adds kudos to you, or

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“And… and… and-ing”

Last week, I listened to an interview on Desert Island Discs with Lord Victor Adebowale, who started his working life as a street sweeper and went on becoming one of Britain’s rare black life peers.  It was an inspirational interview, thanks to Lord Adebowale’s mental attitude.  You can listen to the interview here:
When asked about […]

“Is it me?”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, once an abusive relationship broke up, all the emotional damage magically disappeared?  Just the way some people wish it would, when they don’t understand – and don’t want to understand – about the reality of emotional abuse.
You and I know it’s not that easy.  There are layers and layers of […]

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