Did you walk away from an abusive family member?

 Did you walk away from an abusive family member?
Did you walk away? Or, more correctly, did you grow up in a family where one member (or more) behaved abusively to you so that, in the end, you had to walk way?
Last week’s newsletter stated (Secret #5, now slightly revised) that people who  are highly critical […]

10 Secrets Of Good Relationships For An Emotional Abuse Survivor

You want a wonderful relationship, but do you know what you need to do to create it? These 10 tips will give priceless pointers to what works, what doesn’t, and how to create a great relationship right from the get go – or what went wrong from Day 1 to create the relationship you are in today.

What emotional abuse teaches you about love

Emotional abuse SUCKS!
Emotional abuse sucks.  Abuse is a hideous, scarring experience that nobody deserves. First, it rips the ground from under your feet. Then it leads you into the black hole of self-blame. It is a journey through hell. Finally, sooner or later, you will discover what emotional abuse teaches you about love.  This article is about […]

How Do You Avoid Toxic Relationships?

How do you avoid toxic relationships when those are the kind of relationships you know best?
Aged 18 I had all the answers
Aged 18, I thought I had all the answers. (How’s that for the arrogance of youth?) I had just escaped a toxic relationship – before it really got underway. Aged 17, I met Charles. […]

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