How to Recognise the Rescue Narcissist

What could possibly be more romantic than the partner who comes along at a time when your life is at an all-time low, sweeps you up in his strong arms and transports you to a better, happier place?
Fairy tales, chick lit and romantic movies have led young girls and women to see the rescuer as […]

What You Are Is Never Wasted

How much attention do you give to the patterns and themes that show up in your own life over the short and long term?
In my work especially, I am always looking for patterns and themes. Patterns and themes enable you to see beyond the single instance to the wounds and beliefs that underlie it. This […]

A Powerful Life Lesson from My Sourdough

The last few months have been nothing if not a STEEP learning curve. SO, I am wondering what life lessons have you learned from the pandemic?
For me, there have been a lot. But the strangest one, and the one that I believe could be powerful for you, too, is the lesson that I learned from […]

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