How Not To Make The Same Mistakes Again

Most people can’t get behind the wheel of a car for the
first time and drive away like a seasoned driver. But one or two can.

Most people can’t sit down at a piano for the first time
and play a Mozart sonata; although you might find the odd one or two who can
play whatever they hear by hear.

Most people won’t put their trust in someone who they know
is emotionally damaged, had a ‘hard life’, and a history of troubled
relationships, and achieve their happy ever after. But one or two do.

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“All by myself. Don’t want to be…”

"Alone" is the word, above all others, that strikes fear into the heart of every woman who finds herself forced to walk away from a relationship.  Even when that relationship is hopelessly unsatisfactory.

Today I received a call from a client whose marriage has ended after
30+ years. She was, she said, trying to remain positive. She was also
terribly worried about the prospect of spending the rest of her life

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The Truth About Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse is, correctly speaking, verbal violence.  The old adage says: “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”  It’s also an utter nonsense.  Words, if spoken by someone whose opinion of you, you care about, can shatter you into a thousand pieces. 

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