
One of the key stages in abuse recovery is making the
shift from isolation into a sense of community. Once can look past the blinkers of isolation, you see many
wonderful people along your way – including yourself. 

This was sent to me by ezine reader Karen Hammond. Karen’s sharing brought light to the
domestic violence recovery group at my local refuge. I hope it does the same for you.

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Anyone who has been reading this blog for the last
few months will already have heard about the Billion Dollar Man. He’s the guy who, having grown up in a climate of domestic violence wants to make £10 Billion to build a refuge in every town and city throughout the world.


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“A smile abroad

is often a scowl at home”  (Alfred, Lord Tennyson)

It’s often said that when Life, or The Universe, has
something to teach you, it keeps putting that lesson in front of you until you
finally get it. 

(Equally, you could argue that sometimes you miss
something the first zillion times, because you’re not programmed to notice
it. So you keep attracting it in the
first place because you don’t see it coming.)

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