Could you have underestimated just how grandiose your Narcissist really was?

All Narcissists are grandiose in their own own way. They all have their exceptional hero and victim story. When it comes to you, however, the narrative changes. Mostly, they focus on your mistakes, alleged flaws and vulnerability. Some focus on your qualities. Yet even if they put you on a pedestal – especially in public – they still manage to use your qualities to make you feel unworthy. The one thing that they will never accept is your authenticity.

How to Deal with a Narcissistic Co-parent

Dealing with a narcissistic co-parent is never going to be easy. However, you could – unwittingly – be doing some things that make it even harder for you to feel okay about going it alone. If that sounds like you, then you might like to consider these 9 strategies that are guaranteed to make you feel less conflicted and more confident in your parenting.

“How Do You Know When You Are Over Emotional Abuse?”

“How Do You Know When You Are Over Emotional Abuse?”
“How do you know when you are over emotional abuse?” is, in my experience, the question least asked.  Abuse survivors ask, instead,

a) “Can I heal after all that I have been through?”
b) “How long will it take to get over this?”
c) “How soon will I feel […]

An unexpected parting gift from my whiteboards, no less

We embark on the process of healing from narcissistic abuse with so many shoulds – and shouldn’ts: it should be easy, it should be quick, it should go exactly according to plan… If only healing were as easy as wiping washable markers off a whiteboard with one wave of a wiper. The wounds of abuse go very deep. So, it helps to change the way that you work on them.

Things are so hard for survivors of narcissistic abuse because

Being in a relationship with a Narcissist is never easy. Nor is leaving one. But breaking with the old beliefs and feelings that are part and parcel of every narcissistic relationship is the hardest thing of all. Especially since, half the time, you might not even be aware of how deeply ingrained those beliefs and patterns have become and how profoundly they continue to impact you. Ridding yourself of them is central to your healing.

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