How To Defuse Emotionally Abusive People

How to defuse emotionally abusive people is one of the questions I get asked a lot. If you have an emotionally abusive partner, the likelihood is that you have been trained to take responsibility for his behavior.  Of course, this doesn’t just apply to an emotionally abusive partner, it is the pattern of all emotional […]

What are you telling them?

The woman I was talking with was strong, vocal, out there. She was, she said, a BIG personality, absolutely NOT a push-over for an emotionally abusive partner.  Rather, she was someone ‘who intimidated the crap out of men’.  That was a problem for her.  It wasn’t so much that men ran for the hills when she […]

“What was he thinking?”

They both asked the same question, within minutes of meeting me – two women who had never met me, or each other before:  “What was he thinking?”
The man in question was not their emotionally abusive partner, but my lovely partner and his response to my kitchen fire of a couple of weeks ago.
What they actually […]