He Made Her Pizza!

 There are a few things you need to understand about Little Johnny Manger, who we spoke about last week.
He’s the guy who makes such an unpleasant bedfellow – your unpleasant bedfellow; that’s something really important to understand.  But he’s also pretty smart.  His emotional age is DEFINITELY a single figure, and most probably a fairly […]

Who Are You Allowing?

“You have to allow me to spend quality time with my children, I said to my emotionally abusive husband. You’re being unreasonable. Why can’t you just behave reasonably towards me? I’ve always tried to do everything I can to make you happy.”
You’d think, wouldn’t you, that a partner should show some consideration – especially where […]

Gone But Not Forgotten

Does your emotionally abusive partner deserve your forgiveness?
It’s an important question.
Emotionally abused women frequently ask me the Forgive and Forget question. It goes, approximately, like this:
“How do I forgive my emotionally abusive husband so that I can forget about what happened, reclaim my sanity, recover from emotional abuse, and move on?”
It’s a bad question.
Just look […]