- Is doing this making you miserable? http://t.co/yo9GiORh #
- Find out how people-pleasing plays into the hands of abusive partners http://t.co/ke7kRNWD #
- What’s keeping you focused on your ex? http://t.co/MGZVtfqF #
- Learn how you can spot an abusive man, before it’s too late. http://t.co/gUPh18he #
- Ever wonder why you feel stuck in a bad relationship? http://t.co/ke7kRNWD #
- What are the biggest fears women have about leaving their abusive partner? http://t.co/feXGq67n #
- Many of my clients want to know why they feel so stuck, this will help: http://t.co/ke7kRNWD #
- An important part of getting your needs met is seeing your people-pleasing habit for what it is. http://t.co/40OeKUDG #
- Do you want to know how to create successful, lasting relationships? http://t.co/gtNy0mPY #
- Have you read this yet, Top Ten Ways Not to Be Happy? http://t.co/3Zn9Dxjg #
- What’s keeping you focused on your ex? http://t.co/MGZVtfqF #
- Would you like to know why you’re still thinking about your abusive ex? http://t.co/MGZVtfqF #
- The First Fissure In An Abusive Relationship http://t.co/PO3bRxfQ #
- Real men don’t hit women. What kinds of men do? http://t.co/Jg43Ji0m #
- Making excuses for his bad behaviour when he’s drunk may make you feel better, for a little while, but here’s why the problem won’t go away #
- You’ve been in an abusive relationship, who must you NOT trust going forward? http://t.co/nrxrmYZH #
- Many of my clients want to know why they feel so stuck, this will help: http://t.co/ke7kRNWD #
- What really keeps women in emotionally abusive relationships: http://t.co/3rHBEnLe #
- There are 10 key things that will stop you being happy. How many of them are you doing? http://t.co/3Zn9Dxjg #
- 4) Want to know the ways that catastrophizing affects your thinking: http://t.co/OaOD5tiZ #
- If you think people-pleasing buys you consideration, think again. http://t.co/40OeKUDG #
- Are you someone who is lovely to other people, yet mean and nasty to yourself? http://t.co/LodCVQ5d #
- Do you want to know why intelligent women end up in an abusive relationship? http://t.co/BhckvT8Y #
- What does saying “I love you” really mean to an emotionally abusive man? http://t.co/gtNy0mPY #
- What makes women prepared to settle for any partner who happens along: http://t.co/Rw3EalnF #

Annie Kaszina, international Emotional Abuse Recovery specialist and award-winning author of 3 books designed to help women recognise and heal from toxic relationships so that they can build healthy, lasting relationships with the perfect partner for them, blogs about all aspects of abuse, understanding Narcissists and how to avoid them and building strong self-worth. To receive Annie’s blog direct to your Inbox just leave your details here.
The 5 Simple Steps to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
Over the next 5 days, I'll send you some lessons and tips that I've found have really helped women to heal from narcissistic abuse. Starting with the basics.