Would you like to know how to overcome your fears and get the closure you need?
Are you ready to learn how to trust yourself enough to feel confident to build healthy new relationships in every area of your life?
You know that you need to get over it and move forward.
In fact, you may well be getting on with your life the best way you can. But, still, you struggle with overwhelm, anxiety and despair.
You feel like damaged goods and you expect bad things to happen – especially when things go right. Plus, you worry about facing the future alone. You may be out of the relationship but you haven’t got the damage of the relationship out of you.
If that sounds like you, then you need my
Ultimate Emotional Abuse Recovery Program - How to Recover from an Emotionally Abusive Relationship in 90 Days … or Less
The comprehensive blueprint you need to rebuild your life, head held high.
I’ll give you the blueprint you need to face up to all the key challenges that you will encounter going forward.
You’ll learn powerful skills to overcome the blocks that are still holding you back, so you can free yourself from lingering guilt and self-criticism.
You’ll also learn how you, too, can create the strong boundaries that lead to healthy relationships. Even if you have always struggled unsuccessfully with boundaries before.
You will master :
- Emotional detachment Learn how to be emotionally detached and separate from your abuser – so that their attempts to guilt, shame and “hoover” you back in will fall on deaf ears.
- Reconnect with your inner wisdom Tap into the GPS of your own inner wisdom, so you naturally show up as the powerful, impressive woman you truly are.
- Feel SAFE Learn how to keep yourself emotionally SAFE, so you can trust yourself to embrace Love, Life, Abundance and Success - without the paralysing fear of being harmed by another abuser.
- Confident communication Get comfortable with sending the message that you expect respect effectively enough for people hear you the first time.
- Limit anxiety and depression Learn to free yourself from the downward spiral of Unhappiness that abuse creates.
- Stay happy The simple steps to keep yourself on the Upward Spiral of Happiness, for the long-term.

Lifetime Guarantee
We are certain that the 90 Day Ultimate Abuse Recovery Program will work for you, too, and get you feeling happier, stronger and more in charge of your life.
But we understand that, after what you have been through, you may be a little short on certainty right now. So, we want to make this as safe as possible for you.
If, by any chance, you work through the program and feel it has not helped you, then you only have to email to get a full refund, as per our 100% Satisfaction Lifetime Guarantee.
What they say about the program
I now see how to deal with abusive behaviour effectively.
“ Anxiety and poor self-esteem used to be my constant companions.
I now see why and where I was leaving myself open to abusive behaviour but most importantly how to spot it and deal with it effectively. How I view and respond to situations has shifted.
I have also rediscovered the joy in trusting myself to have a happy and abuse free future.”
- Leonie C
I no longer feel the toxic attachment
“I wondered if I would be able to discern whether I've healed. I feel I have. I no longer feel the toxic attachment. I am communicating with my children without feeling doubt about what I say.
Just two short weeks ago, I was still struggling and feeling frustrated that I hadn't healed after four years. This program is just amazing I loved being able to listen to different sections as many times as I needed to. I loved having access to this program when there's nothing like it available to me in my area.”
- Rosalie F
Awesome Bonuses
- How to code-break the first argument. Your can discover everything you need to know about where a relationship is heading from the first argument. This information alone is a complete game-changer. Audio.
- Get inside the mind of an abusive man. You’ll benefit from this brutally frank revelation of what really goes on inside their heads. From the perspective of a man who really understands how abusive men work. Audio.
- How to keep your anxiety from running away with you.. Chances are, you need to learn and change but you are not in the best frame of mind to tackle learning and change. This module will teach you to work with your mind – even when you are fighting with anxiety and overwhelm – so that you can calm yourself down and use your energy productively. This module alone will provide you with valuable coping skills for the rest of your life.) Audio.
In short, the program offer you a ton of information you can use to understand what has happened to you in a new way. So, instead of needing to keep going back to revisit your own experienc, you can start to rebuild your life secure in the knowledge that your new insights and skills will enable you to create healthy, lasting relationships.
Still more important, you will finally get the “Aha (mind-shift) moments!” that will transform the way you feel about your experience and your own worth.
About Annie
Annie married young, moving – as she only discovered much later – from a challenging family of origin to a challenging marriage. She stayed some 20 years, losing her self-esteem, identity, voice, joy and sense of self. Until a chance comment on the radio lead her to think her husband might have anger issues.
That was Annie’s introduction to the world of emotional abuse. She discovered that the fault-lines in the relationship were not down to her failure to do enough to singlehandedly solve all the problems of a damaged and difficult husband.
The more Annie found about about domestic abuse, the more she realised that her own paralysing self-doubt, hopelessness, and lack of emotional resilience were a product of abusive relationships. Unable to rewrite her own history, she wanted, at least, to do her part to stop other women suffering - unnecessarily - in abusive relationships.
Since then she has researched emotional abuse intensively. Having trained in coaching, NLP, EFT and other modalities, Annie has worked with thousands of women and written books and programs designed to help women understand abuse happened to them, and how they can heal from their acute pain and rebuild their lives as quickly as possible.
Who is this course for:
This course is for you if:
- You are out of the relationship but not over it.
- You’ve reached a plateau in your healing process but still don’t have the happiness, confidence and serenity you seek
- Counselling or therapy have made you wiser but you still struggle emotionally.
- You’ve left a few times but gone back and you know you need to break the cycle once and for all.
- You feel broken and despairing but want more from life.
- You know you have to change things to protect your children from repeating the cycle.
- You want as much valuable information
As you can get. This is a long-form course, designed to answer all your questions.
This course is NOT for you if:
- You still love your ex and really want to find a way to make the relationship work
- You’re more concerned with healing your abusive partner than yourself.
- Your commitment to your own healing stops at listening to the program. Possibly. You don’t believe in actively engaging with the tools and techniques advocated.
- You don’t want to move on because that means letting them off the hook.
- You are more interested in venting than healing.
- You think healing means diminishing the awfulness of what you have been through.
- You don’t want to have to admit to yourself that he really is abusive.
What they say about the program
Like a miracle
“I am now four months out of an excruciatingly painful, emotionally abusive marriage of four years. I was literally paralyzed on the couch, with chest pains, thinking I would die, terrified of him, but even more afraid of how I could possibly survive on my own. It is really a miracle that I somehow crawled away. YOU, Annie, helped me to do it. Words cannot ever express to you my gratitude for the work you do to help women like me. ”
- Helen R
The journey is incredible
“ Things got so difficult at the beginning of your course that I could barely hang in. I certainly did not feel “worthy” of any recovery program, that was for sure.
The journey is incredible... It’s hard to believe just how dark the days can get and how the darkest thoughts can lead you to near despair. Now I persevere and continue to thrive despite it all. My daughters are beginning to bond. Thank you for your presence in my life. You always give me hope.”
- Joelle P
Given me back my life
“I don't know how else to phrase it but your program has given me my life back.
My life has changed in so many ways, the most important being learning to love myself. It shocked me to realize how much I loathed myself, even if unconsciously.
I now live without fear, without anxiety and am much, much more self confident. I may have lost 20yrs, but through this program I have gained the rest of my life, I am learning to create happiness in my life one step at a time.
I truly cannot say enough, having come a long way in six short months.”
- Olivia F
I enjoy each and every day
"I am doing well. I took a promotion at work in January and am thriving in my career. I have also found a lot of joy and healing as I reconnect with friends and family here at home. I have very few emotional wobbles these days and on the rare occasions I do, they seem markedly foreign to me, which is a place I couldn't have envisioned being a year ago. I have also resumed working out and eatinghealthy and am taking care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I truly enjoy each and every day 🙂 "
- Carrie K