I learned how you can heal when you feel too broken and hopeless to heal.

"I vowed to use what I discovered, and do everything I could to spare as many other women as possible the misery of an abusive relationship."

Annie Kazina PhD, Women's Abuse Recovery Coach

Award-winning author of the Amazon best-seller Do You Choose Your Dog More Carefully Than Your Husband?


Emotional abuse is never your fault

I’m Annie, and I’m totally committed to helping women, just like you, get over toxic relationships, so they can create the joyful, fulfilling lives they deserve.

If you are a victim of abuse, then you have been blamed for that abuse over and over again.

That abuse was never your fault.

Daily Mail

Why should you listen to me?

The reason why I’m so passionate about helping abused women get their lives back is simple: I’ve been one. I’ve been where you are now. I know just how bad it feels.

Leaving was the hardest thing I have ever done. I didn't know if I could survive on my own. But leaving was the beginning of a hugely rewarding journey into a world of meaning, mattering and discovering my true place in the world.

I now have a life rebuilt I never would have dreamed of and a lovely partner. I achieved closure, I know how good it feels, and that's what I want for you.

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“You’re worth your weight in gold. But judging by your photo, you probably don’t weigh very much. So I could be selling you short.” 

- Renee Levitt

"Working with Annie has truly been transformational in the very best of ways.   Anxiety and poor self-esteem used to be my constant companions. Annie has changed that in a permanent way.   I now see why and where I was leaving myself open to abusive behaviour but most importantly how to spot it and deal with it effectively.   I read constantly and have worked with others but no one has been able to help me as Annie has."

- Lisa M.

Emotional abuse is just too hard to face on your own.

How can I help you?

1:1 & group coaching

The effects of abuse don't just fade away when the abuser is no longer centre stage in your life. Rather, abuse shapes and limits the way you think and feel.  So, you likely go from an abusive parent to an abusive partner, or one abusive partner to another.

There is NOTHING wrong with you. However, you are stuck in a pattern of thinking and feeling that needs to change.

If you feel you would benefit from working through your feelings with someone who can guide and support you along the journey, group or individual coaching may be just right for you.

On the blog

What really happens when you stop undervaluing yourself?

What really happens when you stop undervaluing yourself?
What do you think would really happen if you stopped undervaluing yourself, first name? Do you have a vague sense that if you could stop undervaluing yourself, you would feel more confident and things would surely go better for you. But (and we’re talking about a BIG, stumbling-block […]

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How to Tell Whether Your Partner Really Is  A Narcissist?

A client asked me the time honored question: “How do I tell whether or not my husband really is a Narcissist?” As she spoke of him two different images emerged: on the one hand, the smart, charming, graceful social operator; on the other, the irritable, petulant, irrational domestic tyrant. But, she wondered, di that domestic behavior make him a Narcissist? Or did it point to her woeful inadequacies as his partner?

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What to do when you need answers not overwhelm

What to do when you need answers not overwhelm
About a million years ago Joni Mitchell first sang: “Maybe it’s just the time of year. Or maybe it’s the time of man.” Right now, it certainly feels like one of those times of man – and also woman, clearly.
Needing answers not overwhelm is a tough place […]

Read More >

Just want a weekly message coming into your Inbox to remind you that it really isn’t you – the relationship is wrong?


"Annie Kaszina's “Married to Mr. Nasty” is a must-read for anyone
who has suffered the roller coaster of emotional and
psychological abuse. Her immense wisdom, wit, empathy, and
no-holds-barred approach to exposing this type of abuse
and the devastation it can cause leaves the reader
stronger, more enlightened, and ready to pave the path back to freedom."  Shahida Arabi

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Why work with me?

My training, qualifications and personal experience mean that I have the expertise to enable you to heal the deep wounds of emotional abuse. My mission is to teach you to live fully and love safely after all that you have been through.

  • You want someone who can offer you support, understanding and clarity.
  • You are at a crossroads. You have no time to waste.
  • You are at rock bottom and you need to get back to the person you once were.
  • You want a life but you don’t really believe that you can have it.
  • I’ve helped many thousands of women. I can help you, too.
  • You will master the simple steps to long-term emotional resilience.
  • You healing journey will offer closure on the childhood trauma that made you vulnerable to an abusive partner.
  • I teach women the simple steps to enduring emotional resilience.
  • I’ve been there myself, I understand the problems you face, and I know what works and what doesn’t.