
Why we go on a healing journey

So here is the truth that I wish I had know when I started out on the road back to wholeness. When we embark on our own healing journey, we do so not just for ourselves but for future generations.

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Suppose Love Were A Choice Not Just An Emotion

I am well aware that for some people it may sound daft to enter into a dialogue with yourself, and ask yourself questions to which the habitual, emotionally battered you does not have good answers. But that is only one part of you, the part that has been shaped by your negative experiences. It is by no means the only part of you. You too are endowed with the human spirit that has miraculous powers of healing and regeneration.

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“Not tonight, Mr Right”

Abused women are so anxious to get their needs and wants met that they fall over themselves backwards to meet all of their partner’s needs and wants. (There is no point in suggesting that they try to get boundaries respected, because they don’t even know where they might like to put a boundary.) Underpinning this anxiety to please is the misguided hope that it is their partner’s turn first and then it will be theirs. Unfortunately, it’s like giving a small child a much desired toy ahead of his or her little friends and hoping that after a reasonable period of time he, or she will say: “Ok, I’ve had my turn. You can have it now.” It just doesn’t work like that.

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How Women Become Fools Over Men

We become fixated on our partner’s potential – and of course he has potential, whatever we mean by that word. If he hadn’t had potential why on earth would we have bothered in the first place. Few of us have a robust enough sense of self, or are that crazy that we choose to have a relationship with someone we feel has less to recommend him than the average cockroach.

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“Love is…”

The ‘l’ word – love – sanctions everything. ‘Love conquers everything’; ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry’; love gives rise to any number of justifications, feeble excuses, lame hopes. I’ve certainly been there, done that and worn the T shirt. Then one day I got the point and burned the T shirt.
Love is… a feeling you have for and about another person. That other person may say that they love you too. Does that mean that your love is reciprocated?

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“You have the right to enjoy good relationships”

What you believe is what you get. It’s the old story that what you focus on increases or becomes more present. It’s like the way you really notice teenage boys when you are a teenage girl and then when you get older and have different interests, they become invisible. I believed my entitlement was a bad relationship, and I got it.

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Because they can

Not everyone who experiences fear, inadequacy and rage goes on to perpetrate acts of violence. It is a choice. In the area of mass psychology issues may become blurred. But certainly in the individual sphere it is always a choice.

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How To Shed An Old Skin

ou never will reach perfection, because human beings were never programmed for perfection.
But you are more than good enough, right now, exactly as you are. And you are the seed of what you will become.

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Success is…

I’ve always found that misery begets more misery. Focusing on what you don’t want has an unfortunate but predictable habit of drawing more of the same into your orbit. Focusing on something different, however modest that something may be, has the effect of producing a different, and better, result.

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The 5 Simple Steps to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Over the next 5 days, I'll send you some lessons and tips that I've found have really helped women to heal from narcissistic abuse.  Starting with the basics.

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