
Can you codify the steps to healing from narcissistic abuse?

Can you codify the steps to healing from narcissistic abuse?
Today, I want to share with you the relatable steps not that you should take to healing from narcissistic abuse but the steps that you do take, in the hope that that will enable you to be kinder and more supportive towards yourself along the way. […]

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One big, fat narcissistic lie about love you need to recognise

One big, fat narcissistic lie about love you need to recognise
Where do you even start to disentangle the web of lies a Narcissist envelops you in? Narcissists make a point of lying right from the get go – because they are conmen and women who set out to sell you on the most attractive dream […]

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Could you be doing this harmful thing, too?

Abusers make you feel so resourceless that you need to be very grateful to them for whatever “resources” they deign to share with you – or more accurately boast about to you. Without your abuser – or so the legend goes – you would fail completely, in every area of our lives, And so we come to despair of ourselves. That despair can block you from rebuilding your life any time soon.

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Do you know what it’s like to be an invisible woman

You were taught to rely on other people to tell you when you were visible – or even that you could be visible at all. Has it crossed your mind that having an invisible woman around is incredibly useful for these other, narcissistic people?

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 One of those lies you just don’t forget

One of those lies you just don’t forget
What was your parents’ relationship with the truth like? I ask because my trip to Venice – sadly now behind me – brought up a few memories about my own parents’- complicated – relationship with the truth.
Venice, mosquitos and me
My association with Venice goes back a very long […]

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How NOT to Spot An Emotional Abuser

How not to spot an emotional abuser
My lovely partner is a stranger to abuse world.  He’s never lived there. He’s never had to recover from emotional abuse.  So, what had he seen that made him say: “That man is an emotional and physical abuser”.
We were sitting in one of the few coffee bars in Venice […]

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How your empathy can hinder your healing from narcissistic abuse

How your empathy can hinder your healing from narcissistic abuse
Have you ever thought that your empathy could actually hinder your healing from narcissistic abuse? If you haven’t, I totally get you. It is so counter-intuitive (how is that for a touchy-feely empath-resonant term?) that your superpower could actually have its problematic side. But that is […]

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One simple way that a Narcissist hoovers you back into the relationship

Have you ever been hoovered back into a relationship with a Narcissist when you knew the relationship needed to end? If so, you probably woke up days, or weeks later, wondering “What was I thinking?” when you need to know how to protect yourself.

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Servicing your emotional distress takes a lot out of you

Being in a relationship with a Narcissist means that you are constantly in their line of fire. Even when they are “nice” – by narcissistic standards – you can never relax. You know that it is only a matter of time before the other shoe drops. So, you learn to be hypervigilant.

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The 5 Simple Steps to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Over the next 5 days, I'll send you some lessons and tips that I've found have really helped women to heal from narcissistic abuse.  Starting with the basics.

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